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Detoxification-Cleansing Treatments

Panca = five, Karma = actions


If several dosas, milieus, are in imbalance, the dusyas (weakened tissues, organs and their subgroups) are affected and something new arises. In Ayurveda, this is referred to as a physical illness. Pancakarma therapies separate any pathogenic factors of the disease process from the solid structures of the body and remove them from the body by the shortest route. The weakened systems, organs and tissues are then rebuilt in a targeted manner. Overall goal: The body is cleansed of all pathogenic factors and the weak points are immunised. The five classic elimination methods balance the following milieus and dosas and cleanse the following accumulation centres:


VAMANA emesis Kapha upper abdomen, respiratory tract
VIRECANA purging Pitta lower abdomen, small intestine
BASTI 2 types of enema (nourishing and cleansing) Vata colon
NASYA nasal cranial release Tri-dosa,
insbes. Kapha
RAKTAMOKSANA blood taking Pitta blood vessels 


Depending on your symptoms, I will carry out cleansing procedures to remove accumulated toxins, waste products and disease-causing substances from your body in accordance with precise instructions and close supervision. Medication and other therapeutic procedures are usually better absorbed by the body afterwards and are therefore prescribed to be taken for 2-3 months afterwards. A serious pancakarma-cleansing procedure, including the preparatory treatments, the main cleansingprocedures and the follow-up treatments, takes approx. 1-3 months. This removes the roots of the diseases. The immune system get strengthened. These procedures are of a cleansing but also restorative physical nature. First of all, a precise diagnosis must be made to determine which harmful substances should be reduced, when and how, and which elimination procedures are appropriate and to what extent. Depending on the body's strength, these elimination procedures can be carried out during an existing illness, but also as a preventative measure. These cleansing procedures may only be carried out by trained Ayurveda doctors and not by therapists. In Ayurvedic medicine there are prescribed indications but also contraindications for such cleansing procedures.


Included are: regular written contact with me outside of the therapy times, a 30-minute telephone call, a build-up regeneration plan after the detox, body treatments tailored to you and the cure and recipes for nutrition during the cure. 


Traditionally, these procedures are carried out on an inpatient basis for at least 4 weeks. The intensive cures in Sri Lanka at the Ayurvedamedical Health & Help Clinic are now also suitable for this purpose (see under intensive cures on this website). At the beginning, a comprehensive assessment is necessary and a treatment plan is drawn up. This takes 2 hours (380.-CHF). In my outpatient setting, at least 4-8 follow-up consultations are necessary for the effective elimination procedures. One consultation of 2 hours, incl. herbaltea: Sfr. 320.-


Small detoxification procedures - Ksudra Karma


Kati (Grva, Hrdya) Basti: Dough ring treatment with medicated oils

relieves local pain and tenseness of the back, neck or heart

2 hours, incl. medicinal oil and drink, short sweating therapy at the end, depending on the indication: Sfr. 320.-


Aksi Tarpana: Eye enemas with medicinal ghee

For dry, tired and red eyes

2 hours, incl. medicinal oil and beverages: Sfr. 320.-

Karna purana: ear enemas with medicated oils

For tinnitus, stress, anxiety, restlessness, sleeping problems, Vata diseases

2 hours, incl. medicinal oil and beverages: Sfr. 310.-


Shirodhara: Forehead casts with medicated oils

Stress, sleeping problems, psychological stress, restlessness, hypertension

2 hours, incl. medicinal oil and beverages: Sfr. 320.-

minimum 3 consultations in 3 days are needed


Most supplementary health insurance companies will reimburse you as a percentage of the services you have paid for with me. I will issue the reimbursement receipt for your health insurance company for each consultation.