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Why boiled water?

Ayurveda described the substances and their qualities of action several thousand years ago according to the same predetermined criteria. Until today further substance research is added. So Ayurveda, as simple as it sounds, also dealt with water and its change of properties, qualities through heating and the resulting effect on us humans.

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The purifying properties of water

Although some people drink a lot, they have dry skin and are very thirsty. The cause of this can be a weak Agni (digestive fire). In addition, Ama (metabolic intermediates) could block the path of water to the cells. To prevent this, as well as to stimulate digestion in general, according to the teachings of Ayurveda it is important to boil water in an open pot for about ten minutes before drinking it. Furthermore, this MUST be done in a pan and not in a kettle.

Important: This Ayurvedic principle of boiling water has nothing to do with the idea that in countries where Ayurveda comes from, water must be boiled to rid it of pathogenic bacteria.



by boiling the water it is enriched with energy and gains the special property which Ayurveda calls sukshma (= fine, subtle). It also becomes softer, sweet (try it in contrast to a tap water) and additionally warm. By taking boiled water, the fine body channels are already cleansed and the digestive power is enhanced. It penetrates deeper into the physiology.


Drinking boiled water regularly is therefore a prerequisite if you want to cleanse your body or if you want to take care of your health by natural means. The hot water boiled for ten minutes immediately stimulates digestive fire (Agni), so that the food is generally better processed and absorbed during the meal. Drunk between meals, it also effectively supports the elimination of water-soluble toxins from the body tissues (Dhatus). People who take ayurvedic but also chemical medicine should definitely drink boiled water, as this is one of the recommended carrier substances, so that the medication can be optimally absorbed by the body.


Ayurveda recommends drinking boiled water regularly throughout the day and in the morning first thing. Simply pour the remaining boiled water into a thermos flask in the morning and take it with you to work. If you can't take the time in the morning for this decoction process, boil the water for the next day the evening before.


Important: It does not necessarily have to be drunk warm or hot, but should have boiled for ten minutes. Try it out as it is digestible for you, as this varies depending on the type. But it should not be colder than room temperature.


However, if the water is drunk warm or hot, it has a calming effect on the air & ether environment (VATA) of the winter. According to Ayurveda, air and ether have the properties of cold, rough, dry, mobile, subtle, fine and clear. These properties are also predominant in the climate of winter and everyone here is affected by it. That is why I recommend, especially during this time, to take the boiled water as warm as possible. It also calms the nervous system.




Kumuduni A. Röllin


MSc. Ayurvedamedizin

NHP eidg. AYU